Grubs Enter the Gut-Brain Connection, While Almost Homemade Sunscreen Raises Alarms About Food Scrounge News

Thanks for your comments on our wild-domestic menagerie on the Creek. Today I did battle with roaches, sometimes euphemistically called “water bugs”. Hey, a roach is a roach. Did I tell you I once woke up with one on my face (this was in LA)? They are a fact of life in warm, humid locales. Roach photos are too gory for a G-rated site, so click on the Food Scrounge News tab for the latest information instead.

Roach control is not in their job description

Roach control is not in their job description

Animal Alert: Brake for Turtles, Give Gators a Break, and BBQ Glaze a Pig


This editorial appeared last week. While I don’t want to share my spot on the sandbar with a gator, they deserve to live their lives. You’ve probably noticed Mr. Mike and I are animal lovers. Six cats scrounge their food from us. We have birdfeeders, including a hummingbird feeder. It’s interesting to watch their social interactions while we sip a beer on the deck. We’re on the lookout for turtles on the road whenver we’re out, two wheels or four. This is the time of year they’re “trying to get to each other”, as a biker friend of mine once explained. He mounted a cardboard turtle transport box on his Triumph motorcycle. We’re not that elaborate. We just flip the flashers, pull over to the shoulder, scoop the turtle from the road and place him/her on the side of the road they pointed towards. They’re usually laying on the road with just their heads sticking out, a prime target for the cell phone talking driver in his monster manly truck going 70mph. One time Mr. Mike watched in horror as one of these huge pickups ran over a turtle, squashing it, before he could rescue it. Most of the turtles are box turtles, though we have encountered river cooters, map turtles, and yes, a snapping turtle. We didn’t pick him up, just “guided” him across the road with a stick, which he viciously bit if it got too close. But the most surprising discovery occurred last week when I had parked the car and was getting ready to climb the stairs to our house.


A gopher tortoise! Their numbers are decreasing due to loss of habitat. They live in tunnels, sometimes over 40 feet long. Now I understood the purpose of that mysterious hole under the trees in our front yard. Note the large forelegs.




Scrounge Cat #4 had to check it out. Turtles move slow, so there’s plenty of time to cook and observe. Try this BBQ Glazed Pork while watchin’ the wild things.

BBQ Glazed Pork
2 Tbsp ketchup
2 Tbsp soy sauce (low sodium if you got it)
2 Tbsp brown sugar
1/5 tsp chili powder
Flake salt & pepper
1 lb pork tenderloin, loin roast, or boneless chops (I used chops cuz that’s all I had)
1 Tbsp oil

Season meat with salt and pepper. Heat skillet to med-high and add oil. Brown meat on all sides and then place in a slow cooker. Mix ketchup and next 3 ingredients in a small bowl and then pour over meat, turning to cover. Cook on low until tender, 6-8 hours or according to your device’s performance. Shred the meat with two forks, tossing to coat with the sauce. Serve in toasted buns. Cole slaw is a good side. Try adding some to your sandwich. And of course, serve with beer & Lousiana hot sauce. Serves 4. Adapted from June 2013 Woman’s Day, pg 106.



Try this scroungey riff on coleslaw:
4-6 cups shredded cabbage or cole slaw mix
2 Tbsp lime juice
2 Tbsp cider vinegar
1 Tbsp toasted sesame oil
Salt & pepper to taste (a seasoned salt, like Lawry’s or Penzey’s Old World Seasoning works well)
1-2 Tbsp crystallized ginger, chopped into small pieces
Mix all together and let set 10-15 minutes before serving. Even better if you make it the night before, but who plans that far ahead?

Soylent Green Glazes Over Coffee Withdrawal and Tick Allergies as Donuts Go Wild Over Food Scrounge News

My challenges with page updates were resolved by deleting over two years of news links. So even though you can store massive amounts of data on your blog, it works better if you get rid of clutter, just like Mom says. Click on Food Scrounge News tab for food & nutrition news and hysteria. Happy Father’s Day to all you blogging dads!

David, me, and the MZ. Towels are from David's dip in the creek.

David, me, and the MZ. Towels are from David’s dip in the creek.

This is Your Brain on Cronuts: Fat Phobia, Beer Belly, and Lots of Numbers for Food Scrounge News

Yesterday the phone line servicing the area was cut, and today I can’t update the Food scrounge News page without getting a “WordPress is not responding” message. Has anyone experienced this problem? Enough whining. Today you saved a click or two by reading the post here. How about a nature walk on our driveway instead? We saw this water snake stretched out just before sunset last week. The scrounge cats ran like hell when they saw it.





The snake is about 3 feet long. It moved very slowly and did not seem disturbed by our presence. No, it is not a poisonous snake. There are six poisonous species in this area: Timber rattler, Pygmy rattler, Coral, Cottonmouth, Copperhead, and the Diamond back rattlesnake.
This guy is a Southern Water snake, lethal to mosquitoes and other insects. Food news is below.

June 11, 2013 Food Scrounge News
Health by the numbers — lots of ’em
Quantified-self followers aim to know, improve,0,5345154.story
Soda or pop? Coo-pon or cyu-pon? Maps reveal how America speaks
McDonald’s: Breakfast or dinner after midnight?
Special K Nourish –The concept of hot cereal in the US is a cultural change says analyst
USDA to require labels for mechanically tenderized meat
Twinings tea antioxidant court row brews on in USA
Journal of the American Medical Association, Online First, June 3, 2013
Examining the Health Effects of Fructose
Journal of the American Medical Association, June 5, 2013
Synthesizing Evidence: Shifting the Focus From Individual Studies to the Body of Evidence
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass vs Intensive Medical Management for the Control of Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, and HyperlipidemiaThe Diabetes Surgery Study Randomized Clinical Trial
Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss and Glycemic Control in Nonmorbidly Obese Adults With DiabetesA Systematic Review
Treating Diabetes With Surgery
JAMA 100 Years Ago|June 14, 1913
This Is Your Brain on Coffee

Comfort eating- Perceptions of fat are altered by mood and state of mind study finds
Source: PloS
Scientists find gene mutation that spurs early puberty
Source: New England Journal of Medicine
A cross of bacon + butter = lardo
Cronuts selling like hot cakes
Are you suffering from fat phobia?
Vegans, vegetarians or carnivores: who’s healthiest?,0,2998440.story
Source: JAMA Internal Medicine
How to keep the beer, hold the belly

One Small Win for Blood Type Diets While Rock Extracts Make Peace with Meat, Buttermilk Spice Cake and Food Scrounge News

Last week I turned the page on another year. Here is the cake to prove it. Buttermilk Spice Cake is very easy to make. Just dump all ingredients into a bowl, then mix to combine. I used an immersion blender instead of a stand or hand-held mixer. It worked fine with a whip attachment. Though I did have a Bass-o-Matic moment when I turned the thing on and wasn’t grasping the bowl. It slid radpidly to the edge of the sink but all turned out well. The last photo is dark, not the cake. When done it is a light golden brown. I added about 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger and 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla. Frosting isn’t necessary. Serve with whipped topping and vanilla ice cream.


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